Friday, 29 January 2016

Photos and pressies!

We had a fantastic ski assembly this morning and everyone really enjoyed seeing more of the photos from last week. From Monday, there will be one photo CD per class to take home for one night to copy the photos onto your own computer.

Or, if you'd like your own photo CD to keep, leave a comment below and Mrs Bell will make you your own copy! Each CD will cost just £2 with all profits going to school funds. There are over 200 photos on the CD and it will be a lovely final souvenir from our trip.

The teachers got a lovely surprise this morning when we each received a lovely card plus a giftcard and chocolates. Many thanks to all who contributed - your generosity is much appreciated!


  1. I would like to order a cd for Ellie Todd, I will send the money into school
    Thank u

  2. Mrs Bell I would like a CD please.Will send money in with Dale thanks.

  3. Mrs Bell I would like a CD please.Will send money in with Dale thanks.

  4. I would like a cd please for Ella will send the money on Monday thanks.

  5. I would like a CD please Mrs bell and I will send the money in with Charlie on Monday.

  6. Mrs Bell I would like a cd please. Will send in the money with Ethan on Mon

  7. I would like 4 copies, of the CD. Will give Holly the money. Thank you Mrs Bell.

  8. I would like a CD please, I will send the money in with Kaitlyn on Monday.Thanks

  9. I would like 2 CDs please and will send the money in with Holly. Thanks again to all the teachers for a great ski trip !

  10. Count Jay McQ in for a CD also. Many thanks, Claire

  11. Could i get 2 cds please .. thanks

  12. Could i have a cd please thanks

  13. Mrs Bell I would like a cd please.Thank You.Magda Loch

  14. Can I order 2 CDs please -- Ellie Scott

  15. Can I order 1 cd please - Morgan Neill thank you

  16. I would like to order a c.d for Charlie Anderson I will send the money into school with her tomorrow thank you

  17. Can I have 2 CDs for Katie Walls please Mrs Bell. Thank You

  18. Mrs Bell, Could I possibly get a CD - I will send the money in with my son Jay Murray P7 Mr Massey..
